For the wanderers, Spire, Sunlodge Chalets promise you an uninterrupted connection with nature, flow, and tranquility.
3 bedroom Area
150 m²
Master Bedroom
3.30 × 3.00 m
Master Bathroom
1.75 × 1.55 m
1.75 × 1.65 m
Bedroom 2
3.55 × 3.45 m
Bedroom 3
3.75 × 3.20 m
Reception Dining Living
6.05 × 4.25 m
3.00 × 2.05 m
5.05 × 1.10 m
2.55 × 1.45 m
Terrace 1
5.10 × 1.45 m
Terrace 2
5.30 × 1.15 m
Terrace 3
4.10 × 2.70 m
155 m²
5.10 × 1.80 m
5.00 × 2.25 m
4.10 × 3.50 m
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